January 2022

For many years, I (Vince) kept a copy of this prayer tacked to a bulletin board over my desk. I read it over and over again, and found myself reciting lines of it throughout my day. 

“I place you lovingly in the care of the All Caring One.” 

“I no longer believe that you do not have the understanding you need in order to meet life.” 

Many times, as I was counseling someone, the prayer would come to mind. I’d pull it down, give it to them, and as soon as they left, print another copy. 

Even now, after many years of praying it, the words have a power and urgency for me, that ground me instantly in the God of Love.

There are prayers like that, and books, and songs, and paintings, and podcasts, and…the places we go again and again to be reminded who we are, who God is, what life is about. The wells that don’t seem to run dry, even when we do. 

This month we’re returning to them. Back to the source, the reservoir, the living water that we’ve found through the years, and we’re offering them to each other.

We’re calling it “Take Me to Your River” (after about four total hours of discussion on the name - your pledge dollars at work!), after the Leon Bridges’ song that Mario CRUSHES here.