After church on Sun, March 17, 2024, a crew of hung around to talk about the next chapter for Gilead: the big post-pandemic relaunch we kept talking about (and then not doing when it kept being not post-pandemic). Here’s the redux, in case you missed it:

The stuff we’re good at (friends, parties, creative and inclusive worship, storytelling) is stuff the world still needs and needs from church. We’re uniquely positioned and qualified for that.

We need to expand our community to make it more sustainable and to share this space with others who need it. 

We’re building toward a September 15th Relaunch (save the date, pls) which means that between now and then, our priorities as a community are increasing our reach; meeting and becoming community with more people; refocusing on visitors, newcomers, and folks we don’t know yet.

What it looks like:

Refocus on visitors’ experience. We’re considering the shape of the evening from the POV of someone showing up for the first time. How do they know what to do, where to sit, with whom to sit, where to get a drink, what’s the deal with all these handouts, and what’s next if they wanna connect more deeply?

(Some of) What it takes. Greeters! At least one pastor committed to greeting and being available to talk to new folks as they come in. Regulars sitting together, introducing themselves to new people, and making space. Radical things like: starting on time and having (usually) a one-hour service. Little things like: occasionally saying why we do things how we do things.

Increasing our reach. Another big ol’ ad campaign, funded in part by a grant through our partnership with Lighthouse Foundation. Swag for worship and beyond (yo, put a beer label sticker on your laptop). 

(Some of) What it takes. Money. Design. Evangelism (whoops!). Going to storytelling events with business cards in my pocket. You, inviting friends to events and church. You, engaging with and sharing Gilead social media (if that’s part of your life). 

Meeting and becoming community with more people. When Gilead was getting started, Vince and I spent a lot of time meeting people, having coffee, buying folks a beer, telling them about our mission statement and core practices. We also planned and hosted “comeback events,” gatherings that are fun (read: easy to invite folks to) and serve an additional entry points into relationship. 

(Some of) What it takes. Parties. Hosts. Fundraisers. The Gilead Road Show. A monthly storytelling event called “The Balm.”  TIME and ENERGY. A temporary schedule that lets pastors focus on this work and invites you into more leadership. You coming to stuff and bringing friends. One-on-ones. A one-on-one training on Sunday, April 21st, 5 pm at My Buddy’s so more of us feel better equipped to have this kind of conversation. 

TL;DR: new schedule for next 5 months, working toward a big Sept 15 relaunch. Printable fridge calendar here, now in Gen X font size; subscribable google calendar here