Know-it-all Mama Bunny God

Know-it-all Mama Bunny God

Well, shucks.

We could've been posting our newsletters here all along! Now we actually will. Here's the most recent. From that link, you can also get to "past issues." This is how this one starts:

Good news/bad news:
God is everywhere.

We're halfway through our month of Wanderlust: detours, roadblocks, and shortcuts on your spiritual journey. This past week, the good news/bad news that wherever you go, God is there, like that relentless mother in The Runaway Bunny. (See also: Sufjan Stevens' song "Seven Swans." Listen to the end. Terrifying.)...

Read the rest here and/or subscribe to get your own.

A Non-religious Clown Goes to Church

A Non-religious Clown Goes to Church

When Maria Vorhis agreed to tell a story at Gilead's third ever worship service, she didn't know The Today Show would be there recording. Firstly, because they weren't planning on it yet, and then later because Rebecca forgot to tell her. Whoops.

But it all worked out.

Maria, a Chicago writer/performer, filmmaker, and teaching artist, wrote about the experience so beautifully over on her blog. You should read all the way to the end. It's worth it and says so much about why we think Gilead needs to exist!

As seen on TV?!?

As seen on TV?!?

Did you end up here because you saw us on The Today Show? You're not wrong: that was us, talking about a church where we tell true stories that save lives, share good food, and make beautiful creative worship together.

Wanna find out more? Subscribe to our newsletter, get in touch to have a coffee or beer with a pastor, or come to church!

At Gilead, we want to be church for and with people who’ve been turned out, turned off, or just left cold by church. We believe God welcomes all — and we have the stories of Jesus hanging out with all the “wrong” folks to prove it — and so we do too. 

Whoever you are, whatever your story is, you are welcome here. 

We are a "congregation-in-formation" of the Chicago Metropolitan Association of the UCC (United Church of Christ). That's church-ese "we're not in this alone. We're got a history, and community, and body of people pulling for us and working alongside us." We're also in relationship with The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), kissing cousins of the UCC in the Protestant church family tree.